Finding An Audience for Your Artwork: Build on What Works

Finding An Audience for Your Artwork: Build on What Works

Build on What Works 

In the past four videos  we’ve covered my process for finding an audience for your artwork – including steps from assessment to research and experimentation in finding an audience. Now, it’s time to turn these steps into actionable strategies. 

Finding an Audience for Your Art:  Video Recap

Once you’ve experimented and seen what resonates with your audience, take note of what works. For example, with Robert Yonke’s Bluegrass Painter project, press releases to niche media resulted in a swift and positive response. Identifying successes lays the groundwork for strategy development.

It’s important to remember that not every experiment will yield immediate success, and that’s perfectly normal. In fact, setbacks can be valuable learning opportunities. When faced with a setback, take the time to evaluate why things didn’t go as planned. This could be an indication that adjustments are needed, or it could be a sign that the approach isn’t the right fit. 

When you find a strategy that works, it’s not enough to acknowledge its success. It’s time to amplify your efforts. For the Bluegrass Painter, this meant doubling down on press releases, reaching out to potential clients, attending relevant events, and crafting tailored social media strategies. By building upon their successes, they were able to extend their reach and deepen their connection with their newfound audience.

In future videos, we’ll explore these strategies in more detail and explore how you can implement them effectively to continue growing your audience and expanding your reach. 


7 Steps to a Niche Marketing Strategy – Free Guide 

Schedule a Complimentary Call 

Schedule a Strategy Session 


Four Steps to Finding an Audience for Your Artwork

Four Steps to Finding an Audience for Your Artwork

Four Steps to Finding an Audience or Niche for Your Artwork 

Now that we’ve covered the different ways people may connect with your work and how you can think about those connections to start finding an audience or niche for your artwork, it’s time to get more specific. 

This week, we overview four steps to help you focus on your target audience with clarity and purpose.

Video Recap

Step One:  Assess 

The process begins with a comprehensive assessment of where you currently stand in your artistic career. Take stock of the type of work you’re creating, the volume of your output, and any past successes or feedback you’ve received. This introspection lays the groundwork for understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and potential avenues for growth. Next week, I’ll share an assessment tool that you can use.  

Step Two:  Research 

With these insights from your assessment, it’s time for some research. Dive deep into potential audiences or markets, explore online strategies, converse with fellow artists, and observe trends and preferences. The goal is to gather as much information as possible to inform your next steps.

Step Three: Experiment with a Purpose 

With research in hand, it’s time to put theory into action. Design purposeful experiments to gain traction for your art. Whether it’s showcasing your work in a new setting or engaging with a specific community, each experiment should be guided by clear objectives and an openness to learning.

Step Four: Build Upon What You Learn

After each experiment, take the time to reflect on the outcomes. What worked? What didn’t? Use these insights to iterate and refine your approach.  

Help With Your Audience

Next week, we will start diving into each step.  If you’d like some assistance in figuring out your audience, consider a Strategy Session,  to discuss how we might be able to work together.  If you’d like to explore a session, I offer complimentary calls where we can discuss how we might be able to work together.

Resources Mentioned in This Video

7 Steps to a Niche Marketing Strategy – Free Guide 

Schedule a Complimentary Call 

Schedule a Strategy Session 


Finding Connections:  Emotion and Story

Finding Connections: Emotion and Story

Finding Connections for Your Artwork:  Emotion and Story

This week is the final video in a series on how people connect with your art. We are considering these connections to identify different audiences and niches that might be places where we could market effectively.

Video Recap:

In this video, we explored two final ways people connect with art: through emotion and the story or message conveyed. Emotion plays a significant role in how we engage with art, allowing us to relate to it on a personal level. Art can also form a connection through stories or narratives that resonate with audiences.

As artists seek to identify their audience, considering these connection points can help them effectively market their work.

Help With Your Audience

If you’d like some assistance in figuring out your audience, consider a Strategy Session,  to discuss how we might be able to work together.  If you’d like to explore a session, I offer complimentary calls where we can discuss how we might be able to work together.

Resources Mentioned in This Video

This blog from UGallery offers insight into how and why people purchase art by interviewing their collectors.

7 Steps to a Niche Marketing Strategy – Free Guide 

Schedule a Complimentary Call 

Schedule a Strategy Session 


Finding Connections:  Subject and Function

Finding Connections: Subject and Function

Finding Connections : Subject and Function

In today’s discussion, we’re exploring two more ways people connect with artwork: subject matter and function.


Video Recap

Subject matter refers to creating art around specific subjects or activities of interest to a particular group. Another way people connect with art is through its function.

Identifying these connections can help to identify your niche or audience. Once someone connects with your art through subject matter or function, the next step is to nurture that relationship, which we’ll discuss in future episodes.

Understand the Connection

By understanding how people connect with your work, you can uncover niche markets and audiences.

If you’d like some personalized guidance, consider a complimentary call to discuss how we might be able to work together.

Finding Connections:  The Key to Finding Your Audience

Finding Connections: The Key to Finding Your Audience

Finding Connections : Starting with Relationship

In this week’s video, we are back to finding an audience and marketing to a niche with the first step: identifying your niche. If you remember in Week One’s Video, I talked about two things to start thinking about when it comes to niche and that is what is you artistic voice and connection.  

Over the next few weeks, we will dive into how people connect with your work and how to use those connections to find an audience. 


Video Recap:  Know, Like & Trust

Relationships are among the most significant and common ways people connect with art. As the age-old adage goes, people do business with people they know, like, and trust. Your existing network forms the foundation of a potential audience. 

Let’s illustrate this with an example: a client I worked with had an established art business but felt like he was missing out on opportunities for growth. Through assessment, we discovered he had a loyal clientele of repeat customers for high-end commission work. By nurturing these existing relationships, he was able to unlock new opportunities and expand his audience base.

So, how can you start building an audience through relationships? 

1 – Make a list

Brainstorm a comprehensive list of your family, friends, acquaintances and, of course, current customers.   Of this list, who already knows about your work?  Who doesn’t?  Who should know about it?

2 – Start Using a CRM

Use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to track interactions and responses, ensuring that no one falls through the cracks.

3 – Reach Out 

Ask your connections if they would be interested in hearing about your business, seeing new work, learning about what you are up to in the way of a regular email newsletter.  If they respond yes, then you can add them to your list.  This approach is not about spamming people but respectfully sharing an asking if they have an interest.  Then, you focus on building genuine connections that add value for everyone involved.


Build Genuine Connections

Finally, building connections is the key to growing your art audience. By nurturing relationships and fostering genuine connections, you can unlock new opportunities and reach new heights in your artistic career. Stay tuned for more insights and tips on building connections in the art world in our upcoming episodes.  

And if you need personalized guidance, consider a one-on-one strategy session to kickstart your journey toward building a thriving art audience.


Resources Mentioned in the Video


Email Template for reaching out to your connections:  Send me an email at to request a copy of my template.

Why Every Artist Needs a CRM 

Get one-on-one help creating a relationship marketing strategy in an Artist Strategy Session. 




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