Business Interruptions are a Normal Part of Your Art Business 


Running a solo business, like many art ventures, can come with unexpected interruptions that disrupt your daily plans. Whether it’s a technical problem stopping your progress or a personal project needing attention, these interruptions can throw off your workflow and make it harder to get things done. However, having a plan to deal with interruptions can help you handle these challenges and get back on track, which is crucial for keeping up your momentum and making the most of your time.


Life Happens

This week, I faced two situations that interrupted my business – first, a technical glitch, and then a positive development around a vacation that needed urgent planning. It got me thinking about this topic, and I wanted to share some ideas for handling business interruptions and getting back to being productive.


The Impact of Interruptions

When running a solo business, you must manage many tasks at once. Interruptions, like technical issues or personal projects, can be especially frustrating, as it can feel some days like it’s impossible to get anything accomplished. You might feel overwhelmed and unsure about what to do next, especially if you don’t have an assistant to help with some of your business tasks. 

Strategies for Regaining Focus

Here are some strategies to regain focus when life or technical issues slow you down. 

1 – Assess the Situation

When something interrupts your business, take a step back and determine how serious it is. Decide what needs to be dealt with first by considering what’s most urgent or essential. Doing this will help you focus your efforts and get back on track faster. Are you getting distracted by things that require your attention at that moment, or are you being pulled simply because the issue has presented itself? 

For example, my technical situation was time-sensitive as the issue was causing my website to be offline. So, it was an important issue to fix, and I had to take time to solve it immediately. However, I often get personal calls from my family and friends that are less urgent, and I’ve learned strategies for blocking my time to avoid those types of things over the years so they don’t take me off track. 


2 – Seek Help 

It’s okay to ask for help when you need it. Whether getting advice from other business owners online or hiring someone to help with specific tasks, don’t hesitate to ask for support. YouTube can be an excellent place to find quick help for technical how-to videos. There are also communities like the Artisan Advantage Facebook Community where you can ask questions and get help from fellow artists. Find out resources that you need regularly and keep them handy. 


3 – Set Realistic Goals 

 Be honest about what you can get done in a certain amount of time, especially when balancing personal projects and business tasks. Break big tasks into smaller ones to make them easier to tackle. Setting achievable goals will help you stay on track even when things get hectic.


4 – Stay Flexible 

Managing the situation when unexpected things happen is essential for solo business owners. Be ready to adjust your priorities if something comes up. Staying flexible will help you deal with obstacles and keep your business running smoothly. My personal project involved travel and required quick decision-making and a few lengthy phone calls. Since I knew I had to table my business plans that morning to shift into travel planning mode, I looked at my schedule and decided when to make up that time. That helped me move forward with some peace of mind, knowing I would eventually return to my business activity. 


5 – Take Care of Yourself 

Remember to take care of yourself, especially during stressful times. Take breaks when needed, do things that help you relax, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you feel overwhelmed. Taking care of yourself will help you stay productive and focused. 


It Helps to Have a System 

Even though running a solo business can be challenging, having a plan for dealing with interruptions can help you stay on track. By setting up a routine for how you work and when you do specific tasks, like marketing your business, you can get back to business quickly when something comes up.


Navigating interruptions as a solo business owner can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can stay focused and keep your business moving forward. Remember to assess the situation, ask for help when needed, set realistic goals, stay flexible, and take care of yourself. With these tools, you can overcome any obstacles that come your way and keep your business running smoothly.


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