Since many people are working at home now, there are many articles and information on social media about productivity. It can be challenging to work from home under the best circumstances. Throw a couple of homeschooling kids and other homebound family members in the mix, and it is tough to avoid distractions. You need to understand how to manage your time and resources efficiently. 

This situation might be old news for you if you are a working artist. You are probably already used to working on your own. If not, you wouldn’t get anything done. One artist I know wakes at 4:30 a.m. to get a start on his day. He knows that this is the golden time when he can create and work in the studio. I find that early mornings are best for me, although I can’t say I rise that early!

Starting an Artist Blog Takes Time and Focus

If you’ve recently started a blog, adding this task into your daily routine can be a challenge, and you might need a refresh on some productivity ideas. Here are a few ideas that I’ve used to manage my situation.  

1 – Figure out what time of day works best for you to focus on different tasks. When do you find your energy best suited for writing or focused at your computer, brainstorming ideas?

2 – Once you determine the best time of day for this work, regularly block it out on your calendar daily or weekly. Do not deviate from your schedule. Treat this time as though it is an appointment outside of the house.

3 – Avoid things that suck your energy while working in your block or zone. The usual culprits include email, television, and social media.  

4 – Create a pleasing workspace.  

5 – Last but not least – take some breaks. use a Pomodoro Timer. I like to get outside for sunshine and fresh air.  

Maintaining an artist blog is not just about technical know-how and writing. There is an art to staying on track and growing your site. Find and stick with strategies that help you to do this.  

If you’d like more idea on how to maintain your artist blog, please sign up for my regular newsletter. 

Photo by krisna iv on Unsplash
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