Are You Missing Out?

Are you missing out on timely information?

If you are a subscriber of Artisan Advantage, you should be receiving a newsletter once a month from me.

In talking with a few artists recently that I work with, it seems some of you are not receiving my messages. I’ve also been surprised that winners of my Artisan Advantage Book Club giveaway are not responding to claim their free books! Then it dawned on me that my emails are probably ending up in junk or spam folders.

It is not uncommon for an ISP (Internet Service Provider) to use filters to send an email newsletter to junk or spam folders. It happens to me too.  Even my daughter’s school’s emails go to my spam box.  And it’s a little embarrassing to not respond to the teacher!

Let’s fix this problem.

Christina Hills wrote a helpful article and video on how to stop this from happening.  Read it  in her post, How to Ask Your Clients to Whitelist Your Email Address  or watch the video below.

I hope that you will add the two emails that I send messages from, and to your contact list.  I deliver information about free events, giveaways, and other materials that you can use in your art business. Don’t miss out!   Also, please share this information with your own followers and customers, so that they aren’t missing YOUR essential news.

Get Ready for 2019 with a Micro Consult

Are you ready for 2019?  Don’t wait til January to prepare!  Now is the time that you should be reviewing how this year went.  This helps you to put ideas and plans into place for next year. If this is something that you’ve never done effectively, I’d like to help.   I’m devoting November and December to Micro-Consults focused on this topic


Get ready for next year.

My Get Ready for 2019 with an End of Year Review Micro-Consult is designed to help you use what you learned in 2018 to implement an effective business plan for 2019.  This consult will provide you with a tool to help you effectively review the past year in all areas of your art business including marketing, sales, inventory, time management and productivity.  Using this information will allow us to determine what steps you can take now to get ready for 2019.  We will also develop a quarterly schedule for you to keep yourself on track over the coming year.

If this sounds like something that could help you, please click here to schedule a “Getting Ready for 2019 with an End of Year Review” Micro Consult

Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

Get One-on-One Help with Your Visual Art Business!

I love nothing better than working with artists who are eager to grow their businesses.  If this sounds like you, we need to connect!

Also, I am excited to announce some enhancements to my Personal Consulting Package.   The package still includes a review of your art business along with a written plan of recommended actions to take.  I’ve added a follow-up component, including weekly email and monthly phone calls for three consecutive months after your consultation.  I decided to add this component after “piloting” it with a recent client.  She felt that the weekly check-ins were a big part of her being able to push her business forward, so I’ve decided this needs to be a part of the package.

Additionally, any lessons or programs that are included in my Sell Your Art program will be provided to you at no charge.  Some of these tools include:

Finding Your Vision Lesson and Worksheet 

Writing Your Artist Statement and Bio – Lesson and Worksheet

Sell Your Art Overview Video Presentation 

Managing Your Contacts Tool 

Managing Your Prospects Tool 

The Personal Artist Consulting Package including all of the follow-up calls/emails and tools is $300.

I am currently scheduling consultations for January.   There is a limited number of artists I can work with so I encourage you to commit now to doing this for your business in 2018.


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