Mastering Time Management and Planning: Your Path to Productivity

This week’s video focuses on some ideas for planning and time management. Recognizing that implementing new marketing strategies sometimes means there is more to do, I share a few ideas around planning and time management that have helped me a lot.

Video Recap

1 – The Rule of 3

I use the number 3 to guide my focus on yearly goals and daily tasks. Choosing three things to strive for or accomplish out of a seemingly never-ending to-do list helps prioritize what needs to be done without getting overwhelmed.

2 – Revisit Your Plans More Than Once a Year

Planning isn’t a once-a-year affair. Establish yearly goals but review them quarterly to adapt to evolving priorities. Break it down further by creating monthly, weekly, and daily plans. This approach encourages flexibility and accomplishment while staying focused on long-term objectives.

3 – Time Blocking

Maximize productivity by scheduling specific tasks and activities on your calendar. Designate dedicated time slots for work projects, studio time, or self-care to stay organized and accountable.

Trust the Process

Remember, progress is about consistent small steps over time. Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small, and trust in the journey toward your goals.

Resources Mentioned in the Video

Create a 12-Month Action Plan:  Use the code PLANNING for a 70% discount.

Michael Hyatt’s Full Focus Planner 

Join my Weekly Email Newsletter 

A calendar to show how an artist can use time-blocking for time management.

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